The month of Bhadrapada is called Proshtapada in ancient scriptures. From the 9th day to the Full Moon day of this month King Parikshitha listened to the whole Bhagavatha from Shukacharya. With this siginifacne the tenure has become the apt for organising discourses on Bhagavata Purana. Some people organise the reading of this Purana during this period.
This year, His Holiness Sri Vidyadheesha Teertha Sripadaru has resolved to offer a Bhagavata Parayana Seva in the holy scntorum of Lord Krishna during Proshtapadi season. This would be done by an eminant scholar for a perios of 16 days. Devotees of the Lord can offer contibutions to this seva and be blessed.
Dates of Parayana : 10.9.2018 to 25.9.2018
- Sampoorna Bhagavatha Parayana Seva : Rs. 5000.00
- 10th Canto (Dashama Skandha) Bhagavatha Parayana Seva : Rs. 3000.00
- 1 Canto Bhagavatha Parayana Seva : Rs. 1000.00
The funds derived through this seva will be utilised in construction of the Suvarna Gopura . The seva contribution may be transfered to the following account. Online seva