On 06.11.2019 a special event was organized at Sri Krishnammath as part of the Aradhana of Sri Vijayadasaru and the release of Mahabharata books. In this program, renowned thinker and columnist Sri Rohit Chakrathirta delivered a lecture on the concept of Dharma Yudha in Mahabharata. Later, the popular M.P Sri Tejasvi Surya gave a special lecture on the Constitutional Principles in Mahabharata. The first three of total 37 volumes of Mahabharata were released in the event. Prof. V. Girish Chandra, the vice chancellor of Karnataka Sanskrit University and the renowned scholar Dr. Veera Narayana Pandurangi were felicitated by Paryaya Matha.
The program was presided over by Sri Sri Vidyadheesha Teertha Sripadaru, Sri Sri Vidyashreesha Teertha Sripadaru, Sri Sri Vidyarajeshwara Teertha Sripadaru and Sri Sri Vidyatma Teertha Sripadaru