Pundareekaksha Alankara, nitya laksha tulasee archane and mahaa pooje 02.02.2019
Pundareekaksha Alankara, nitya laksha tulasee archane and mahaa pooje 02.02.2019
Vishnu is Pundarikaksha
- He resides in lotus-heart (Hridayakhyam Pundarikam Akshnoti Yyapnoti Iti Pundarikakshaha)
- Lord’s home Vaikunta is called Pundarika. Lord resides in that Pundarika with special emphasis.
- He has eyes like red lotus.
- Fire itself, are his eyes (Narasimhavatara)
- He has fire like eyes
- He pervades notably in fire
- He is benevolent towards sage Pundarika.
1. One who resides in the Lotus-Heart. Hridayakhyam Pundarikam Akshnoti Vyapnoti iti Pundarikakshaha
Chandogyopanishad while suggesting inquiry to find out as to “who exists in body which is called Brahmapura (Lord’s city) or in the material-space of Lotus-Heart of our Lord owned body, declared that “supporter of all – Akasha namaka Lord, himself exists in the Lotus-Heart. (Chandogya Upanishat Bhashya 8/1/2)
Narayana Sukta further clearly explains the meaning of the word “Pundarikaksha”. Heart is like a downward faced lotus-bud’. In it’s centre there is an empty space which is, delicate like the flame of a fire, thin like the tip of a tiny rice grain, bright like the lightning in the centre of blue-sky. In it’s centre which has the brightness of the flame of fire, the Lord resides ever more uniquely.(Padmakosha pratikasham Hridayam …Narayanasukta)
2. Lord’s home Vaikunta is called Pundarika.
Lord resides in Pundarika ever more strikingly. Pundarikam Param Dhama Akshnoti Vyapnoti Iti Pundarikakshaha. Lord’s Vaikunta which is ever fresh, blemish-less and noble place is called Pundarika. Sanjaya has explained to Dhritarashtra that since the Lord resides in Pundarika he is called Pundarikaksha. (Mahabharata Udyogaparva 70/6)
3. Lord with red lotus like eyes resides as ‘Utt’ in Aditya(Sun) and Vayu & Saraswati who dwell in our eyes. Chandogya Upanishat preaches that Lord’s golden eyes are like a fresh red-lotus. (Chandogya Upanishat 1/3/7)
6. He pervades notably in fire
Gitacharya says “his vibhutiroopa is there in fire named Pavaka (so named since it purifies) to carry out purification process. (Bhagavad-Gita 10/23). Lord’s Pundarika form needs to be worshiped for achieving purity and piousness. Hence for piousness among the sacred chantings, Pundarika mantra only is mentioned in scriptures.(Satya Sandha Teertha’s Bhagavata interpretation)
- Author : Vidwan Sri Sagri Raghavendra Upadhyaya
- Translation : Sri Vadiraja, Maisooru